سلام عليكم بوابه السفرلرومانيا تقدم فرصه...

  • بادئ الموضوع بادئ الموضوع Elexes Abdo Eglan
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Elexes Abdo Eglan

:: مسافر ::
سلام عليكم بوابه السفرلرومانيا تقدم
فرصه ممتازه ,. انت مدرس انجليزي ؟ بلاش برفكت انجليزي ومستوي متقدم ؟؟ تمام يبقي خليك متابع معايه --- هعلن عن فرصه التعليم اونلاين عن طريق البيت ---- الكلاس الواحد لا يقل عن 13$ .. تقدر تعمل كلاس واتنين وتلاته 1⃣2⃣3⃣▶؟؟ اه براحتك تقدر مفيش مشكله وكله مدفوع الاجر !!! طب ايه المطلوب --- سهل جدا 3 حاجات كمبيوتر ذو تقنيه عاليه بورسيسسور ورامات و كاميرا HD و سماعه هيدست كويسه طريقه التواصل في اخر البوست
Dear Applicant,

Please find below more details about the job opportunity for which we advertise


iTutorGroup is currently looking for new professionals to join their multinational team of English teachers.

iTutorGroup is the premier online education platform and the largest English-language learning institution in the world, serving students that range from global business professionals to young children. Founded in 2004, iTutorGroup has educated students in 40 countries and hosted more than 5 million classroom sessions through its four award-winning service product businesses, including vipabc, TutorABC, vipabc junior and TutorABCJr for English training and TutorMing for Mandarin and Chinese.

The students are mainly based in Asia and the company offers teaching opportunity 24 / 7, so you can work with the intensity you want. Besides being a simple activity, this is an opportunity to earn extra income, too.


All you need is a proficiency in English and enthusiasm to teach. You are working from home / remotely/ and all you need is a computer, reliable internet connection, HD camera, and a headset.

You will have personal account on the platform, where you will perform the sessions and you will be provided with all materials needed.

In case you do not have teachers' experience aside from proficiency in English, you will need to show good performing skills and an ability to encourage people to learn.


. All the lessons are conducted via the online platform of iTutorGroup.

. All the materials for the sessions are provided in advance by the platform.

. The session's length is 45 minutes and the number of the students varies between 1 and 6. Your payment is generally determined from the feedback of the students after the end of each session. Remuneration depends on the scoring provided and the number of students in attendance. The scoring is scaled between 1 and 10, most likely the teachers average performance is above 9 points. The maximal scoring grants a payment 13.80$ per session and you have secured basis of 3$. The basis is multiplied by the number of students and by the coefficient related with their feedback.

. You have the possibility to book a session at your best convenience.

. The contract is not binding to a specific period of time- if you decide to end the collaboration with iTutorGroup, all you have to do is to stop booking sessions.

. Detailed information about the payment scheme will be available in the agreement.


In order to provide quality and reliable service to the students in the platform, you need stable internet connection, PC or laptop (neither iPad nor tablets), headphones and camera. Please find attached detailed instructions for the initial test and recommendations for the equipment needed.


1. Send us a screenshot of the result of the speed test for the reliability of your internet connection

2. Send us a screenshot of the result of your online English proficiency test (part of our standard recruitment procedure).

3. Send CPU data (you will find details in the attachment)

4. Send us information about the most convenient way and time for a verbal interview (Skype; phone). Most appropriate days are: 05.09.2017 and 07.09.2017 between 10:00 a m and 17:00 pm (Eastern European Time UTC+3).

In case of any difficulties don’t hesitate to write to us(via e-mail) or to contact us on Skype: iteach_tutoreu

Best regards,

Skype ID: iteach_tutoreu