متي تنزل المكافآآت ....؟

  • بادئ الموضوع بادئ الموضوع Hebah Dode
  • تاريخ البدء تاريخ البدء
هذا الكلام اللي وصل من المشرفة . You might encounter 2 types of cases.

1- Complete salary hold

2- Incomplete salary

I- Complete salary hold:

This means that you are on hold for failing to do ur part, failing to send the I-94, of because the scholarship has expired and you are in a extension application process.

In this case, it is like in the past. You used to send the required documents (enrollment verification, I-94, transcript…)

On the new system, prepare the same required document and raise a Hold release Request. and upload the documents. make sure they are complete. I can’t upload any other once this is done.

II – Incomplete salary

If you received an incomplete salary, apply for the “Pay differences request”

اما انا راتبي على قولتك نزل الحمدلله