كورسات للحصول على شهاده B2 للعمل فى المانيا...

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Saleh Emam

:: مسافر ::
كورسات للحصول على شهاده B2 للعمل فى المانيا

Ofer cursuri de limba germana pentru orice nivel (de la A1 la B2 ), adaptate la nevoile dumneavoastra reale ( conversatie, gramatica, limbaj specializat etc). In ceea ce priveste metoda de predare, pun accentul pe dezvoltarea aptitudinilor conversationale, astfel incat sa puteti vorbi limba germana in cel mai scurt timp posibil.Cursurile pot fi atat individuale cat si de grup, avand loc la domiciliul dumneavoastra sau la o alta locatie propusa. Am studiat germanistica timp de 6 ani si am inceput sa predau limba germana in 1995. Momentan predau limba germana in colaborare cu mai multe institutii private, una dintre acestea fiind Berlitz Bucuresti .Eu dau cursuri la vodafone si kaufland. Pentru mai multe detalii va rog sa ma contactati la adresa de mail de mail jos. salehemam2@yahoo.com
Tel. 0735334479
I teach German language for any level (from A1 to C1). I use a special teaching method that is focused on conversation so that you should be able to speak German in the shortest possible time. The courses are tailored on your real needs (conversation, grammar, special terminology upon demand). The courses can be both individual or for groups and can take place at your home or at my place (i have allready a classroom with equipment) . I have studied German for 6 years and I have a wide teaching experience that started in 1995 . I am currently collaborating with many private language centers such as Berlitz Bucharest. I give also courses at vodafobe and kaufland for employee.For any other details, please feel free to contact me at the e-mail address below. salehemam2@yahoo.com
Tel. 0735334479