اضع بين أيديكم الأسئلة الشائعة الخاصة بالسفارات و القنصليات الكندية و الأمريكية

  • بادئ الموضوع بادئ الموضوع alyaa
  • تاريخ البدء تاريخ البدء


مراقبة عامة
16 يونيو 2012
اضع بين أيديكم الأسئلة الشائعة الخاصة بالسفارات و القنصليات الكندية و الأمريكية و البريطانية

التي تطرح على الزوج او الزوجة

و ذلك بخصوص الحصول على فيزا التجمع العائلي (الزواج المختلط)

List of questions you can expect for the interview

1when and where did you meet your spouse for the first time

2how did you meet your spouse

3How old is your spouse? What is your spouse's birth date

4What does your spouse do for a living

5Where did your spouse go to school'

6what degrees or formal training does your spouse have

7how did your spouse immigrate to (Canada, Usa, UK)

8Where does your spouse work

9What is the name of the company? What position does your spouse hold? How long has your spouse worked there

10What does the job entail

11Does your spouse like his or her job

12What is the salary

13Where does your spouse live

14Whom does your spouse live with

15Where are you going to live when you go to (Canada, Usa, UK)

16Please explain the type of relationship you have had since your first meeting.

17What is your religion

18What is the religion of your spouse

18When you and your spouse were dating what would you do together

19Do you have any hobbies? Describe them

20Does your spouse have any hobbies? Describe them.

21What type of music do you enjoy

22What type of music does your spouse enjoy

23What kind of movies do you enjoy

24What kind of movies does your spouse enjoy

25What kind of books do you read

26What kind of books does your spouse read

27Have you and your spouse ever exchanged gifts? Explain.

28When and where did the marriage proposal take place

29Was your marriage arranged

30If it was arranged describe how it was arranged and by whom

31Did you have a ceremony celebrating your relationship

32Where was it held

33When was it held

34Describethe ceremony

35Did it conform to your own religious and cultural beliefs? Explain.

36When did you get married

37Where did you get married

38Who was at the wedding

39What family members were there

40How many people were at the ceremony

41What day was the ceremony held on

42Who performed the ceremony

43Do you have pictures of the ceremony

44Who was at the ceremony from your side

45Who was at the ceremony from your spouse's side

46Were any friends present

47How many brothers and sisters does your spouse have

48Were your parents at the wedding? If not, why not

49Are your parents aware of the wedding? If not, why not

50Where your spouse's parents at the wedding? If not, why not

51Were your spouse's parents aware of the wedding? If not, why not

52Was a reception held? When and where was it held

53Who was present at the reception

54Did you receive any wedding gifts? Describe them.

55Did you on a honeymoon? Where did you go and for how long

56Can you show me pictures and receipts from the honeymoon, wedding and reception

57Have you or your spouse been married before

58Why was that relationship dissolved

59Do you have any children from your current relationship or marriage

60How many children

61What are the names and birth dates

62Where are the children now

63Who looks after the children

64Do any other family members reside with you and your spouse? If yes, please indicate their names and relationship

65What relatives do you have in (Canada, Usa, UK)

66What are their names and where do they live

67What relatives do you have outside of (Canada, Usa, UK)

68Has your spouse met any of your relatives or friends? Who have they met and when did they meet them

69Have you met any of your spouse's relatives or friends? Whom have you met and when did you meet them

70In terms of education, would you say that you and your spouse's educational background are compatible

71What will you do when you go to (Canada, Usa, UK)

72Why did you marry your spouse

73Since your marriage have you seen your spouse? If not, why not

74Do your family members (parents, siblings) want to immigrate to (Canada, Usa, UK)

75Did you marry your spouse so that you could sponsor your parents as landed immigrants of (Canada, Usa, UK)

76How do you correspond with your spouse

77How often do you talk on the phone

78Do you have phone bills, e-mails, cards, etc., and can I see them

79Tell me why this marriage or relationship is genuine.

80What makes your relationship with your spouse different from that of a female/male friend

81Does your spouse support you financially

82Do you support your spouse financially

83If I refuse this application w hat will you do​